Hello Everyone after few weeks of silence i have to tell you that i have more than 40 clock faces now. But today i am here to introduce my first watch with needle: PREMIUM WATCH ! I created or a colleague that wanted a watch with needle for his IONIC. I decided to get my inspiration from the Brand TiSSOT. You can see here an example of watch that inpired me. Thus, I didn’t want to share too many imformation so the customer will have the time, the battery state, the date number and only ones primary goal.
Premium Watch gave longer time of development because i had to find a way to write the number roundly and to manage thick needle to be clearly seen by the user. the other issue consisted to develop 2 diffrent interface regarding the watch (Ionic vs Versa/Sense) Finally the watch is there.
Premium watch costs 1.29$ and is available here.
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