Hi everyone. Today i am not introducing a clockface or an app for Fitbit but a project. Indeed I am sharing with you my Android Project
Don’t worry: I al not telling you i a switching to Android. In fact I was looking for an Android application to follow my daily income. After discussing on Discord and having time and motivation I decided to create my own app.
Because I used to develop for Windows. So it is easier for me. And I released apps with that IDE for Android.
The project
I wanted a Widget that display an overall of my daily incomes from the Kiezel Play platform. So I started by reading in several blogs ( marcofolio, infinitesquare) to understand how to code and I finally succeed. I also studied the API provided by KiezelPay.
Today I can display in a widget the daily income !
And I also tested on a Watch just to test if it works

It is a raw result. my project does not manage all the android screen sizes diversities, same for the watch.
Now what?
I shared my project on Github. So anyone can download the code or provide remark to improve it. and there is a lot of improvement to add. for example the way to download data, check only fitbit or garmin income etc.
I am looking for contributors! and thank you for your help!