Hi everyone! Yes I keep improving my approach of the fitbit development. Today I would likfe to suggest an idea. When you build an app, provice an about page on your fitbit application/clockface!
1) Requirements
To realize that starter , you need:
- Fitbit Studio
- the Fitbit Emulator or a device and you will notice that some effects may be different
2) the code
My idea is just to provide a way to our user to contact us from their smartphone. so i suggest to start to provide a link to your email.

In this suggestion page you have the sentence « Contact the developer ». When the user will « click » on it his default email app will be opened
As I explained in previous article, I advise to use Language location. So my index.jsx (without location management )looks like this:
import { gettext } from "i18n";
function aboutpage(props) {
return (
title={<Text bold align="center">"about"</Text>}>
<Link source="mailto:ceriboowp@yahoo.com">"contact the developer"</Link>
sublabel="independent developer"
If you want to add a configuration management add a section before or after this to seperate. Now you have a suggestion. Share yours by leaving comments!